Monday, September 7, 2009

My Loitering Feelings and Unwanted Memories

Loitering feelings, unwanted memories, these are the issues that I sanction.

You think I couldn’t function in a cohesive manner.

I can’t stand there reticent because I know that I do matter.

I’ve lived past most grievous situations, but I can’t let go of the strenuous hold…

She once placed me in her world, and since then… I’ve felt so alone.

I’ve always been the inquisitive type, so maybe upon meeting you- I wouldn’t be seen as one who equivocates.

But, I also don’t want to reiterate -The Manifesto That Is Lilian.

So, maybe, someday, I’ll write a book.

And, maybe, someday, you’ll take a look- not at its cover but read what’s within all of my idiosyncrasies, which, in addition, they now have me writing hooks.

I emancipated myself at such a young age.

I needed autonomy from her cage.

Even though I stayed, I must remember- I stayed, so she wouldn’t disseminate her rage.

Loitering feelings, unwanted memories, these are the issues that I sanction.

You think I couldn’t function in a cohesive manner.

I can’t stand there reticent because I know that you do matter.

You don’t mean to impede, but I can’t stand there and have you see me precariously.

I must correct you; yes, I am different from you.

You stand there completely austere, but understand my friend- I accept you, dear.

I can’t be held responsible for what she imposed upon me.

Thanks to her, I was led to a metamorphosis.

Stringently, I can’t forget what led to my alteration.

It’s not something I want to eradicate.

Loitering feelings, unwanted memories, these are the issues that I sanction.

You think I couldn’t function in a cohesive manner.

I can’t stand there reticent because I know that I do matter.

I’ve lived past most grievous situations, but I can’t let go of the strenuous hold…

She once placed me in her world, and since then… I’ve always walked alone.

It's only because you couldn't understand all that I know.